Choosing the Perfect Internet Plan for Your Home

Small family looking at tablet.

Internet is an essential tool for everything we do at home, from connecting with family and watching our favorite shows to working from home and gaming with friends. Whatever you use the internet for, your home service plan should make life better.

This is where we come in. Our mission at United & Turtle Mountain Communications is to provide our customers with the best communication services possible, and to help you find the solutions that work best for your unique household’s needs. How can we make your internet experience the best it can be? By helping you choose the internet plan that suits your individual needs. From helpful Wi-Fi boosting tools, like Managed Wireless, to moving you up to a higher internet speed, we have solutions to fit every need. 

Why should I change my internet plan?

When choosing the internet speed that fits your home, there is more to it than picking the cheapest option. For the best home internet experience, make sure you’re getting a speed that has enough bandwidth to support the number of people in your home and all of their devices, as well as considering what you use the internet for – from streaming and gaming to downloads and video conferencing.

People often overlook just how many devices in their home use the internet to operate. It’s easy to remember that cellphones connected to Wi-Fi help you save on data, or that you use the internet for your desktop or laptop computers. Some other Wi-Fi enabled gadgets and appliances that are a little harder to remember to factor in include smart TVs, thermostats, security systems and refrigerators.

These are wonderful at making your life more convenient, but also drain your bandwidth if the internet service you choose is not built to support that many WiFi devices.

Man using laptop computer while sitting at table.

How do I choose the internet plan that is right for me?

Our home internet options offer the perfect range to fit every lifestyle, from 50 Mbps for individuals and 100 Mbps for small families to our 200 Mbps fit for bigger families and our gig-capable speed for large groups or organizations.

If you’re not sure which plan is right for you, a great place to start is by taking our internet usage survey and sending it into our support specialists. This gives us a better idea of your internet needs and allows us more effectively help you choose the plan that is tailored to your unique household.

To learn more about our internet plans and WiFi boosting solutions, or for help in choosing the plan that perfectly fits your home, give our customer service specialists a call today.