PACs – The Perfect Fit

Clothing Icons

Everyone has their own personal style, from their clothing and mannerisms to their go-to eateries and most-used emojis. Why should your entertainment services be any different? With PACs, they don’t have to be. Pick and choose the services you want, the way you want them. It’s like going to your closet in the morning to pick out that perfect attire, but for all your entertainment needs.


Paisley or Plaid?


Paisley or plaid tie? Fancy or traditional dress? Bold or classic statement? However you define your personal entertainment style, our flexible PACs are tailored to your household’s exact measurements. Love watching TV even more than wearing that go-to dashing gray suit or little black dress? Feel naked without access to high-speed internet? Digital telephone your signature outfit? Mix and match these services to your heart’s desire – plus get a sweet deal while you’re shopping for the perfect PACs solution.




Tie your PACs ensemble together with the perfect accessories to go with your already dashing services. Looking to pump up your Wi-Fi connection? Managed Wireless is like the difference between an impeccably tailored suit coat and an ill-fitted pair of pants.


Never miss a TV show again with our ManageMyTVs app that allows you to manage recordings, search the TV program guide, and more – anywhere, anytime. It’s like that dependable extra set of clothes you keep on hand for when you forget the lid of your coffee wasn’t on tight enough.


Secure your fancy-pants information with our line of industry-leading Protection Tools. Think of it as tightening your belt so your 17-key-keychain doesn’t cause an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction.


Check Yourself Out


You’ve chosen the perfect entertainment ensemble and adorned it with accessory services that complement it in all the right places – what now? Check yourself out with our excellent customer service team and get your services rolling! Contact your local office today with the PACs that fit you like a glove and begin enjoying how glamorous they make you feel from head to toe.




Feeling like the entertainment style icon of your generation? As you should. Tell your posse about your savvy PACs savings and earn yourself some serious rewards while you’re at it. With our Refer a Friend program, for each pal that signs up for new service, we’ll credit both your and your friend’s bill $25. Now that’s a steal of a deal. Happy shopping!